Domain - Discografia
13:20 | Author: Juan Berrios Cifuentes

Vocal: —³Žu(‚½‚‚µ)
Guitarra: àY(‚ê‚¢)
Guitarra: NARU(‚È‚é)
Baixo: ËŠó(‚悵‚«)
Status: Ativos
Since: 2005
Grafia: ƒhƒƒCƒ“
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1. Satisfaction
2. Mr.dMs.Psych-loid
3. [13 banme no kuro kagi] to [' hikika 'neniyuhi ']
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Mechanical Humanism
1. Region
2. Hatred
3. Hana
4. Dekiai
5. END
6. Deceive
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